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Thunder Laser Video

Laser Samples Parameters

▷ Laser Samples Parameters

Laser Cut Engraved Samples Parameters

Release Time:2019/07/20 Video-What laser cutter can create 标签:laser parametersBrowsing Times:1711

How do I determine the optimal laser parameters for my material?

Finding the right laser parameters is a must for achieving the best possible laser cutting and laser engraving results. Follow this video, you will discover a wide selection of pre-tested laser parameters already available. You can choose from 12 different programmed materials, which drastically reduces set-up time by eliminating the need for time-consuming testing to find optimum parameters. laser materail laser parameters Check this►Parameters for 60 Watt Laser Tube https://www.thunderlaserthai.com/download/down/Laser_Cut_Engraved_Samples_Parameters_for_60watt.pdf
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